Community solar
Community solar projects give energy customers a way to access solar energy without owning their own solar power system.
What is community solar?
Community solar projects are collectively owned solar power installations. These projects allow multiple energy consumers to share access to solar power by collectively supporting a shared solar energy asset.
How community solar works
Community solar typically operates on a subscription model. Eligible customers pay a subscription fee to support the operation and maintenance of a collectively owned solar array. Electricity generated by the community solar project is sold to the local power grid. In exchange for their monthly or annual contribution to the project, subscribers receive credits on their utility bills.
Community solar in the United States
As of December 2024, 42 states and the District of Columbia have community solar initiatives in place:
Some states have made much greater progress than others in implementing community solar—and it has little to do with their size, geographic location, or political party control.
The chart below shows the top 10 states by solar capacity installed as of December 28, 2024:
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